Registration Open for our new course:
'Level Up your Singing - Intermediate level'
with Indrani Mukherjee

You will learn the skills to sing confidently on our new course.

From the comfort of your home you will have access to a top-class teacher, with all of the lessons, recordings, resources and personal feedback and community needed to guarantee progress!










Course Starts on Saturday 13 Jan 2024 at 1.30pm (UK Time)
Live Classes every Saturday Online at 1.30pm (UK Time)

Do you want to learn from a world-class performer and gain the skills to confidently sing songs, bhajan, kirtan
or classical music?

If you said YES, keep reading, we have some great news for you ...

Hello Indian Music Fans,

I am Nirmal Singh, founder of Darbar Academy and I am passionate about sharing and learning all about Indian music.  This page is dedicated to those of you who have a dream ... please read on.  

Do you want to learn to sing?

Did you always dream of learning from a top performing musician but could never get access to a top teacher?

Did life take over and music lessons took a backseat? ( I know this feeling very well)

If this sound like you, we want you to bring music back into your life once again with our online vocal course!

You see, if you are someone who loves music, I have some great news for you.

Darbar Academy wants to help you learn from the world's finest musicians, from the comfort of your home. There is no need to spend time travelling to music school, wait around in classrooms, or pay high teaching fees.

Darbar Academy is committed to supporting learners from all over the world make steady continuous improvement through our unique learning platform.  We are so confident, we even have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You can try our online course with no risk whatsoever.

I have been developing and testing new systems of teaching to figure out the best way to teach Indian music to our students all over the world with the aid of technology. This course is the result of research into the best innovative teaching methods and listening to our students for the last few years.

We are 100% committed to giving everyone access to high quality teaching from the world's finest musicians through our online classes - regardless of their current ability, knowledge or musical background.

We have an amazing ongoing course that will keep you busy for 2024. This will ensure that you gain understanding and build solid foundations to improve your singing.

We are launching our new module and this is the perfect time for new students to join the course and start their musical journey. Our students are already making fantastic progress on this course - it will be great to have you join us on this musical journey. 

WARNING: This is a practical and you will be required to do regular practice.  This is the only way to make guaranteed progress.  This is your part of the deal.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

This course is easy to follow and gives you a step by step practice plan to get in tune and sing your first raga fast.

You will get access to live classes with our teacher, catch-up recordings of the lessons, structured learning plan, feedback, recording vault, MP3s to support your personal practice and our private community.  

Register today and join our class. 100% risk-free.  What are you waiting for?  Click the link below and sign up today.  


Nirmal Singh

This is the perfect opportunity for you to make improvements
Let 2024 be the year of your musical growth!

You will learn how to sing properly and not the mistakes that most people make when learning.  This will help you avoid forming bad habits (they take a long time to correct)!

How this course will help you 

  • You will learn from a high-quality performing artist who has been studying and teaching vocal music for many decades.
  • This course content has been tried and tested for years, delivered with new technologies and learning structures, so you will be getting a fast-track system to learn to sing in the comfort of your own home.
  • This will help you sing in tune and with confidence.
  • You will be able to recognise notes and sing without the aid of a harmonium.
  • Learn online without the hassle of travelling to a teacher or waiting around in a group class.
  • You will have a 100% money back guarantee. If after two lessons you feel that this course will not improve your singing we will refund your registration fee.

Especially if...

  • You feel overwhelmed with the learning process and dont know where to start.  Break though this feeling and find clarity through a structured learning progress and regular personal guidance.  
  • You find it difficult to maintain regular practise.  Learn through a proven system which will help you improve your practical ability and performance quality.  
  • You want to be part of a community which is committed to learning.  We have a private community of people that are all learners and support each other along the journey.  
  • You lack some of the detail and insights to improve fast.  Tips and feeback from performing professional is priceless and and help save us years in the learning process and they make correction fast!

You will build strong foundations and create good habits to ensure steady progress ...

What learners say about Darbar Academy?

"Darbar Academy is very well managed , designed and coordinated with good communication. It is a very easy to use this portal. The support from Nirmalji is highly appreciated. The family of learners is indeed a delight and very inspiring. But most importantly we have such a such a wonderful ‘GuruMa’ and to be able learn with her guidance is indeed very special for me."      - Vinita

“Very well structured, lots of resources and of course the high class singing and teaching abilities of Indrani Ji, her deep knowledge and experience, her kindness and patience…”.    - Nam 

“Very slick organisation, efficient facilitator, reasonable pricing. And honoured to be taught by Vidushi Panditha Indrani ji who is a very committed and considerate teacher.”      - Murthy

Proven formula to improve your singing

You will learn from Indrani Mukherjee

Indrani Mukherjee is a vocalist from Kolkata, who performs khayal in the Kirana-Rampur style and thumri in Purab Ang – this flourished in the eastern regions of North India and is characterised by grace, tenderness and delicate tonal embellishments.

Indrani has a fantastic artistic repertoire. Her training brings a unique focus to the literature behind all bandishes (compositions).

In her renditions, she has developed an aesthetic blend of lyrics, tala (rhythm) and laya (tempo) which express the emotions of a raga in it's totality.

Indrani Mukherjee has performed at the Darbar festival and has been working with us for several years.

She initially started learning from her mother, aunt and then trained with her maternal grandfather Sanjib Banerjee. Later, she went on to study under Pandit Arun Bhaduri, Vidushi Purnima Choudhary, Pandit Ramashreya Jha and Vidushi Manju Sundaram.

Indrani was a scholar of the prestigious ITC Sangeet Research Academy. She has been teaching students of all levels for many years. For the last 10 years she has taken to online teaching, reaching out to beginners and advanced students alike across geographical boundaries.

She is passionate about teaching and giving everyone access to her knowledge.

Indrani believes that online teaching is an excellent medium which gives even wider access to music lovers from all over the world.

Indrani has taught hundreds of students at Darbar Academy and students all over the world have benefited from her classes.

Join us today and start to see improvements in your singing ability as you progress through our course.

Who is this course for?

This course is for students who want to learn Indian vocal music. They need no previous singing experience or knowledge of raga music to join this course.  You can be at beginner level.  

This course will definitely help if:

  • You have an interest in music and want to learn to sing.
  • You are ready to start the magical journey of learning Indian raga music.
  • You want to learn from a top quality teacher working with a systematic approach.

Follow a step-by-step study and practise plan and get in tune while building confidence!

Are you one of those people that has always wanted to sing but never got started?

This might be because of lack of resources and teachers or even because you were scared of failure.

  • Do you want professional guidance from an experienced teacher?
  • Are you a musician who wants to follow a systematic approach with a top professional to take lessons and deepen your knowledge and appreciation?
  • Do you lack the confidence in singing and want professional guidance from an experienced teacher?
  • You do not want be told: “You are not singing in tune!”?

Our teacher will help you overcome this and give you confidence on your musical journey.

There are many reasons why you did not begin your journey, but here's one to start today with 100% risk free confidence that you will get the support that you need.

Extra Benefits of Learning Music

Studies in neuroscience conducted by The University of Southern California’s Brain and Creativity Institute shared findings that align with the vision of Darbar Academy. The paper showed that children exposed to learning music had improved brain function, memory, attention and concentration.

Children who were exposed to music lessons became creative problem-solvers; they experienced improved motor-skills, personal discipline, and became more confident in modes of self-expression.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”     – Plato

Register today and join our course - You will learn to sing your first raga!

7 simple steps to improve your singing:

  1. Decision & Commitment: Make a commitment today and start your journey today.  Let's get started.  
  2. Register on our course: Probably the easiest part - you can do this with 100% confidence. But, there will be no progress at all if you do not register!  Your purchase and first payment is 100% risk-free as all students get the Darbar Academy satisfaction Guarantee.  
  3. Participate and Attend the lessons: Attend the live weekly classes for the coming weeks - become an active member of the class bring learning back into your life again
  4. Homework: Complete the daily exercises, submit homework and get feedback from our teacher.  
  5. Immersion: The fastest way to learn is to immerse yourself into this and start enjoy the magic of music - go on, take a deep dive today!  
  6. Practice or 'Riyaz': This is the most essential step - you MUST practice daily - this is something that you will have have to do :) we can't help you with this!  Set yourself a personal target and start your daily practise today.  
  7. Feedback: Make presentations on the live sessions and use the homework upload facility.  Use your teacher's feedback to make continued growth and improvements.

What students say about Indrani Mukherjee

Absolutely love the teaching sessions with Indrani ji. They are so very well organised and structured. Each session is so informative and so packed with content. I'm overwhelmed with Indrani Jis kindness in sharing all of her knowledge so openly. This course has gone above and beyond all my expectations.     - Gobind, UK

She is not just my teacher but a deeply knowledgeable Guru who always helps to enrich my singing style with her unwavering attention, fine tuning, guidance, support and sharing of her expertise in music.     - Simontiny, India

I have aced the Hindustani classical with online classes … it is because of her I am moving towards perfection in each and every aspect of my singing.     - Ankita, Hyderabad

Her way of expressing emotions of Raag and teaching it at very beginning is something very unique. Learning from her is a great experience!     - Vinay, Bangalore

The practice of Indian singing helps me to improve my singing practice in general. I always feel confident with Indrani; she is very professional in the way she teaches.     - Camille, France

Indraniji's patience and non judgemental encouragement helps build confidence. She is an excellent teacher and creates a personal connection required to establish the guru disciple relationship. The homework and feedback is extremely valuable. The swar sadhana helped make strides on swar gyaan and swar sthaan.     - Vinaya, UAE

In my country (France), a professional master as Indrani would never teach a beginner. What an example of humility and commitment for music, for all of us.       - Guilhem, France

Clear, to the point, amazing voice, kind and encouraging. I love Indranijis and Nirmaljis deeper and spiritual explanations of music. She know immediately what we need to improve on.      - Vishal, UK

Darbar Academy wants to see you make progress

Joining our course is the quickest way to start learning and make progress fast.  We can help you:

  1. Remove guesswork and searching for tips online
  2. To avoid making the wrong choices or getting confused
  3. Save time and find the best way to make progress from your home


When you register for the course, you will receive:

BENEFIT #1:  Live 60-minute lessons with Indrani Mukherjee each week.

BENEFIT #2:  Access to the secure Darbar Academy Members Area so that you can revise from recorded sessions or catch up on any missed lessons.

BENEFIT #3:  Access to a professional performer and teacher with no time or money spent on travelling. Many of us have spent thousands on travel to meet with teachers and even more waiting for lessons!

BENEFIT #4:  Personal feedback and exercises to improve your singing

BENEFIT #5:  Audio recordings & notations to help guide you in your daily practice - the right practice makes you perfect.

 Pre-requisites for this class

  1. This is an intermediate level course for students who already sing with confidence.  Your previous experience and training can be with tanpura or with the harmonium. 
  2. Indrani Ji will be teaching using the tanpura.  
  3. You will have access to all previous teaching materials to help you get caught up with the class. 

Darbar Academy's Promise to You

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If after two lessons you feel that this course is not for you, send us an email and we will make a full refund of your money.

This means that you get 2 lessons absolutely free of cost - consider this a gift from Darbar Academy to you :)

NOTICE: This is a practical course. Lasting  change / improvements will not come through listening alone. Students will need to commit to routine practice to show improvement.

Either way, if you are you not 100% satisfied just send an email to me at [email protected] and I will make a full refund for your payment.

Most people say that I crazy for offering this and that you cannot refund a lesson after it has been taught.  I am doing this because I am 100% committed in helping you to make progress.  Are you ready to start improving your musical abilities? 

There is No Catch!

Darbar Academy's mission is based on the belief that everyone should have access to high quality, experienced teachers with a track record of excellence. 

We strive to eliminate the need of long distance travel to study with the best teachers, and to remove prohibitive expenses and incurred through conventional study.  All you need to do is register and start your musical journey today!

Everybody that we have spoken to about this course feels that this is an amazing opportunity at an unbelievable price.  Darbar Academy is committed to providing high-quality classes and teaching people from all backgrounds, wherever they are based in the world, at an affordable price.

You will receive guidance from a renowned performing artist, who has a track record of teaching and want to share their knowledge with people passionate about Indian classical music. We believe that this method is the best way to share the beauty of this art form with even wider audiences.

Darbar Academy is committed to giving you high quality lessons at affordable prices.  We provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can register to join the course with no risk at all.

Many students have missed years and decades of learning. 

There is now no reason to miss out any further.  Become an action taker & Sign up today.    

You see, it comes back to the fundamental questions: 

  1. Have you dreamt of singing or improving your musical awareness but could never make this a priority?
  2. Have you considered that you could also be a good singer?
  3. Has travel, time, cost, and access to a top class teacher always been a problem?

Darbar Academy has worked hard to develop this course - join us and start to fulfil your dream today!

Get the road map and proven formula for you to start your musical journey and improvement today.  All through live lessons from the comfort of your home.

Let's make that life-changing transformation.  Many of our students describe the joy of learning as 'blissful'.    

Thanks again. 

Nirmal Singh

Only £39 per month.
Cancel anytime.

What this normally cost most students

  1. Weekly Live Beginner classes with Indrani Mukherjee  - Value £200 per month

  2. Access to one of India’s finest teachers with no travelling  -  Value £1,000

  3. Feedback on your performances and homeworks. -  Value £Priceless

  4. Audio recordings to follow in daily practice  -  Value £200

  5. Access to our private community of learners  -   Value £Priceless

  6. Access to our full library of lessons recordings and resources  -  Value £2,000

This would normally cost over £3,000.

You get this for only £39 per month. Cancel anytime.

Yes. You got it right that is around £10 per lesson.

This course provides excellent value for money so that everyone can have access to a high level of teaching.

Most of us have paid anything between £20 - £75 per lesson to learn from a musician with this level of expertise. Since this is our launch phase, we want everyone to benefit at an affordable price.

We all know that with tuition fees, travel time and other expenses, learning music becomes very expensive.

Darbar Academy is committed to keeping Indian classical music affordable and accessible for all.

3 Simple Steps to Register Now

1 - Click the link below and make the payment - 100% risk free.

2 - Create your free account and password for Darbar Academy.

3 - Login and start the course.

YES! I want to reserve my place on the live course now.

CLICK HERE to Create an account and start subscription of £39 per month